I don’t like to waste things and have been practicing opportunistic eating the last few weeks. What I mean is I am really trying to only eat what is in my fridge, cabinets and seemingly bottomless freezer. Because, let’s face it, the more space one has the more ‘special buys’ find their way into said space. Hard to resist the buy-one-get-one deal on blueberries or roasts, whether you need them that week or not… I do claim complete innocence here and blame my ‘hunter-gatherer’ genes. More the gatherer part here, but hey, it’s not like I can change that, right And along with emptying out everything to make space for this years garden bounty, I am also trying to be more conscious of using the stuff as it grows instead of storing it for later. Not that I can eat all the chives, but heck am I going to try! And since we all got so many chives, here’s another recipe that will help accomplish that.
This one for a burger sauce. Wait, it would probably be pretty awesome on baked potato as well… or fish! Hmmm I will have to come back to this one… Also a great one for Potlucks and Barbeques, much safer than any Mayo based stuff for sitting outside in the warmth. And totally guilt free, in fact it ups the protein since most of the sauce is Greek Yogurt, and believe it or not, the couple fo spoons of sour cream completely make it super creamy, you wouldn’t even know that you went for the much lower fat Greek Yogurt.
lighter accompaniment for burgers and more…
- 1/4 cup chives, chopped
- 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, try not to use anything below 4%*
- 2 tbsp sour cream
- 2 tsp pickle juice (from your cucumber pickles)
- 2-3 tsp mustard
- 1/4 tsp salt
* for those of you not familiar with Greek Yogurt, it’s thicker and higher in protein because it is left to drain in cheesecloth. Yes, you could most likely drain your own yogurt and get a pretty good result.
- Mix everything except chives until smooth and homogenized.
- Stir in chives and serve! How’s that for easy?
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